Jeanine Botta created the Green Car Integrity project, a meditation on cars, tech, and noise
I created and have maintained this website since 2012 as a clearinghouse for people who want to address otherwise unaddressed vehicle noise that is preventable and unnecessary - horn use for lock signaling. Soon after I began working on this, the tech industry introduced technology that allows people to honk their cars' horns from smartphones and wristwatches from miles away.
Content more related to advocacy can be found on the Silence the Horns project site. In 2014, I organized the project along with one of the many great people I met through my failed online petition. The project is a grassroots effort advocating for quiet lock signaling in cars manufactured for the North American market, the market that features horn sounds as signals for an array of non-emergency events.

As a result of my work in the area of acoustic vehicle technology, I've become more familiar with the auto industry and related businesses, and consider myself to be a neutral but fascinated student of automotive history. One thing automakers are passionate about is quiet interiors, cabins that are free of unwanted noise. I would love to see more passion from automotive engineers for quieter design that includes every feature, and better understanding of (and interest in) the soundscape and its relationship to human health, quality of life, and respect for wildlife.

Email jeanineb (at) bway (dot) net